8006 BODØ
BJØRU FYSIOTERAPI is a Norwegian sole proprietorship within the industy of physiotherapy services. It was registered on July 22, 2023. It is located at c/o Ortopedisk Medisin Nord AS, Sjøgata 40, BODØ, NO. BJØRU FYSIOTERAPI is not VAT registered.
Company Details
- Org. no.
- 831759992
- Company type
- Sole proprietorship (ENK)
- VAT Registered
- No
- Number of employees
- Under 5
- Registration date
- July 22, 2023
- Industry
- Physiotherapy services (86.902)
- Business address
c/o Ortopedisk Medisin Nord AS
Sjøgata 40
8006 BODØ, NO- Mail Address
Leif Aunes vei 7C
8012 BODØ, NO