
ELLEMI Magali Juelle Løvenskiold

0278 OSLO

ELLEMI Magali Juelle Løvenskiold is a Norwegian sole proprietorship within the industy of wholesale of clothing. It was registered on August 09, 2000. It is located at 5. etasje, Sjølyst plass 2, OSLO, NO and has no employees. ELLEMI Magali Juelle Løvenskiold is VAT registered.

Company Details

Org. no.
Company type
Sole proprietorship (ENK)
VAT Registered
Number of employees
Registration date
August 9, 2000
Business address

5. etasje

Sjølyst plass 2

0278 OSLO, NO
Mail Address

Thomas Heftyes gate 58B

0267 OSLO, NO
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