0259 OSLO
SAMEIET EILERT SUNDTSGATE 38 is a Norwegian property unit with separate ownership. It was incorporated February 28, 2014 and registered on June 03, 2014. It is located at Eilert Sundts gate 38A, OSLO, NO. SAMEIET EILERT SUNDTSGATE 38 is not VAT registered.
Company Details
- Org. no.
- 913430999
- Company type
- Property unit with separate ownership (ESEK)
- VAT Registered
- No
- Number of employees
- Under 5
- Incorporation date
- February 28, 2014
- Registration date
- June 3, 2014
- Business address
Eilert Sundts gate 38A
0259 OSLO, NO- Mail Address
v/Edin Eiendomsservice AS
Postboks 3151 Elisenberg
0208 OSLO, NO