
Norsk Hydro ASA

0283 OSLO

Norsk Hydro ASA is a Norwegian public limited company within the industy of production of primary aluminium. It was incorporated December 02, 1905 and registered on February 19, 1995. It is located at Drammensveien 264, OSLO, NO and has 400 employees.Norsk Hydro ASA is VAT registered.

In 2022, the company reported a net income of NOK 24,417,000,000, total equity of NOK 107,798,000,000 and total assets of NOK 198,618,000,000.

Company Details

Org. no.
Company type
Public limited company (ASA)
VAT Registered
Number of employees
Incorporation date
December 2, 1905
Registration date
February 19, 1995
Business address

Drammensveien 264

0283 OSLO, NO
Mail Address

Postboks 980 Skøyen

0240 OSLO, NO
Return on Equity
22,65 %
Current Ratio
Debt-to-Equity Ratio
Key figures (NOK)2022
Revenue213 672 000 000
Net Income24 417 000 000
Total Assets198 618 000 000
Total Equity107 798 000 000
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