5416 STORD
SAMEIGE ÅSRINGEN 55 is a Norwegian property unit with separate ownership. It was incorporated August 24, 2018 and registered on September 14, 2018. It is located at c/o Johnny Kåre Berge Olsen, Rustungvegen 81, STORD, NO and has no employees. SAMEIGE ÅSRINGEN 55 is not VAT registered.
Company Details
- Org. no.
- 921382278
- Company type
- Property unit with separate ownership (ESEK)
- VAT Registered
- No
- Number of employees
- 0
- Incorporation date
- August 24, 2018
- Registration date
- September 14, 2018
- Business address
c/o Johnny Kåre Berge Olsen
Rustungvegen 81
5416 STORD, NO