
Alf G Astrup AS

0779 OSLO

Return on Equity
−4,93 %
Current Ratio
Debt-to-Equity Ratio
Key figures (NOK)2022
Revenue−447 000
Net Income−1 281 000
Total Assets28 670 000
Total Equity25 977 000
Income (NOK)2022
Revenue−447 000
Expenditure1 212 000
Operating Profit−1 659 000
Financial Income368 000
Financial Costs53 000
Financial Balance315 000
Earnings Before Tax−1 344 000
Tax−63 000
Net Income−1 281 000
Balance (NOK)2022
Total Fixed Assets70 000
Total Current Assets28 600 000
Total Assets28 670 000
Total Retained Equity16 607 000
Total Equity25 977 000
Total Long-Term Debt291 000
Total Current Debt2 401 000
Total Equity and Debt28 670 000
Cash flow (NOK)2022
Sales Income0
Other Income−447 000
Revenue−447 000
Cost of Goods Sold0
Salary Costs145 000
Depreciation13 000
Expenditure1 212 000
Operating Profit−1 659 000
Financial Income368 000
Financial Costs53 000
Financial Balance315 000
Dividends74 000
Net Income−1 281 000
Balance details (NOK)2022
Total Intangible Assets0
Real Eastate0
Machinery and Plant Facilities0
Fixtures70 000
Total Tangible Assets70 000
Total Fiancial Fixed Assets0
Total Fixed Assets70 000
Total Investments20 732 000
Cash, Bank7 801 000
Total Current Assets28 600 000
Total Assets28 670 000
Total Equity25 977 000
Short-Term Group Debt0
Total Long-Term Debt291 000
Creditors37 000
Unpaid Taxes3 000
Dividends74 000
Other Current Debt2 139 000
Total Current Debt2 401 000
Total Equity and Debt28 670 000
Financial indicators2022
Return on Equity−4,93 %
Debt-to-Equity Ratio0,01
Operating Profit Margin371,14 %
Current Ratio11,91
Quick Ratio11,91
Equity Ratio0,91
Gross Profit Margin100 %
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