
D41 ÅS

1434 ÅS

D41 ÅS is a Norwegian association within the industy of support activities to performing arts. It was incorporated January 26, 2019 and registered on June 19, 2019. It is located at Drottveien 41, ÅS, NO and has no employees. D41 ÅS is not VAT registered.

Company Details

Org. no.
Company type
Association (FLI)
VAT Registered
Number of employees
Incorporation date
January 26, 2019
Registration date
June 19, 2019
Business address

Drottveien 41

1434 ÅS, NO
Mail Address

c/o Ås kirkelige fellesråd

Postboks 224

1431 ÅS, NO
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