

0150 OSLO

HOFF SAMEIE is a Norwegian real property joint ownership within the industy of activities of households as employers of domestic personnel. It was incorporated May 25, 1957 and registered on January 06, 2020. It is located at c/o Ræder Bing Advokatfirma AS, Dronning Eufemias gate 11, OSLO, NO. HOFF SAMEIE is not VAT registered.

Company Details

Org. no.
Company type
Real property joint ownership (SAM)
VAT Registered
Number of employees
Under 5
Incorporation date
May 25, 1957
Registration date
January 6, 2020
Business address

c/o Ræder Bing Advokatfirma AS

Dronning Eufemias gate 11

0150 OSLO, NO
Mail Address

Postboks 2944 Solli

0230 OSLO, NO
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