

3403 LIER

EIKSETERVEIEN SA is a Norwegian cooperative within the industy of construction of roads and motorways. It was incorporated January 21, 2021 and registered on February 10, 2021. It is located at c/o Lier Regnskap AS, Vestsideveien 5D, LIER, NO. EIKSETERVEIEN SA is not VAT registered.

Company Details

Org. no.
Company type
Cooperative (SA)
VAT Registered
Number of employees
Under 5
Incorporation date
January 21, 2021
Registration date
February 10, 2021
Business address

c/o Lier Regnskap AS

Vestsideveien 5D

3403 LIER, NO
Mail Address

c/o Lier Regnskap AS

Postboks 107

3401 LIER, NO
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