0555 OSLO
LEKESTUE AS is a Norwegian limited liability company within the industy of retail sale of non-electrical household articles n.e.c. in specialised stores. It was incorporated January 11, 2021 and registered on March 02, 2021. It is located at Thorvald Meyers gate 18A, OSLO, NO. LEKESTUE AS is VAT registered.
Company Details
- Org. no.
- 926648551
- Company type
- Limited liability company (AS)
- VAT Registered
- Yes
- Number of employees
- Under 5
- Incorporation date
- January 11, 2021
- Registration date
- March 2, 2021
- Business address
Thorvald Meyers gate 18A
0555 OSLO, NO- Mail Address
c/o At home interiør
Øvrefoss 14A
0555 OSLO, NO