1598 MOSS
RIKTIG FORTOLLING MARKEVICIUS is a Norwegian sole proprietorship within the industy of freight forwarding services. It was registered on March 10, 2022. It is located at Slalåmbakken 4C, MOSS, NO. RIKTIG FORTOLLING MARKEVICIUS is VAT registered.
Company Details
- Org. no.
- 928861228
- Company type
- Sole proprietorship (ENK)
- VAT Registered
- Yes
- Number of employees
- Under 5
- Registration date
- March 10, 2022
- Business address
Slalåmbakken 4C
1598 MOSS, NO- Mail Address
Postboks 770 Krapfoss
1509 MOSS, NO- Website
- www.RiktigFortolling.no