3737 SKIEN
LINDKJENN SERVICEPARTNER is a Norwegian sole proprietorship within the industy of electrical installation. It was registered on February 08, 2023. It is located at c/o Mette Brynsrud Lindkjenn, Nedre Kongerød 50, SKIEN, NO and has no employees. LINDKJENN SERVICEPARTNER is VAT registered.
Company Details
- Org. no.
- 930788244
- Company type
- Sole proprietorship (ENK)
- VAT Registered
- Yes
- Number of employees
- 0
- Registration date
- February 8, 2023
- Industry
- Electrical installation (43.210)
- Business address
c/o Mette Brynsrud Lindkjenn
Nedre Kongerød 50
3737 SKIEN, NO