0277 OSLO
MOSS BRUKSEIERFORENING is a Norwegian other legal entity within the industy of management of real estate on a fee or contract basis. It was incorporated January 01, 1870 and registered on February 20, 1995. It is located at Drammensveien 149A, OSLO, NO and has no employees. MOSS BRUKSEIERFORENING is VAT registered.
Company Details
- Org. no.
- 970199888
- Company type
- Other legal entity (ANNA)
- VAT Registered
- Yes
- Number of employees
- 0
- Incorporation date
- January 1, 1870
- Registration date
- February 20, 1995
- Business address
Drammensveien 149A
0277 OSLO, NO- Mail Address
v/Orkla Energi AS
Postboks 423 Skøyen
0213 OSLO, NO