2967 LOMEN
SYNDINFJELLETS GRUNNEIERLAG is a Norwegian real property joint ownership within the industy of management of real estate on a fee or contract basis. It was incorporated April 21, 1965 and registered on March 12, 1995. It is located at c/o Endre Stee, Tyinvegen 3055, LOMEN, NO. SYNDINFJELLETS GRUNNEIERLAG is VAT registered.
Company Details
- Org. no.
- 970502629
- Company type
- Real property joint ownership (SAM)
- VAT Registered
- Yes
- Number of employees
- Under 5
- Incorporation date
- April 21, 1965
- Registration date
- March 12, 1995
- Business address
c/o Endre Stee
Tyinvegen 3055
2967 LOMEN, NO