KVILTORP OG NORDBYEN SKOLEKORPS is a association within the industy of performing artists and music entertainment activities. It was incorporated February 08, 1962 and registered on March 07, 1996. It has no employees. KVILTORP OG NORDBYEN SKOLEKORPS is not VAT registered.
In 2022, the company reported a net income of NOKÂ 8,000, total equity of NOKÂ 265,000 and total assets of NOKÂ 284,000.
Company Details
- Org. no.
- 975719154
- Company type
- Association (FLI)
- VAT Registered
- No
- Number of employees
- 0
- Incorporation date
- February 8, 1962
- Registration date
- March 7, 1996
- Mail Address
Postboks 1060
6403 MOLDE, NO- Website
- www.kviltorpnordbyen.no
Return on Equity
3,02Â %
Current Ratio
Debt-to-Equity Ratio
Key figures (NOK) | 2003 | |
Revenue | 625Â 000 | |
Net Income | 8Â 000 | |
Total Assets | 284Â 000 | |
Total Equity | 265Â 000 |