59650 Villene D`Arsa
PACIFIQUE NORD is a foreign entity. It was incorporated July 31, 1995 and registered on March 25, 1996. It is located at Parc Club des Pres, Bat C, 9 Rue Denis Papin, 59650 Villene D`Arsa, FR and has no employees. PACIFIQUE NORD is not VAT registered.
Company Details
- Org. no.
- 976230191
- Company type
- Foreign entity (UTLA)
- VAT Registered
- No
- Number of employees
- 0
- Incorporation date
- July 31, 1995
- Registration date
- March 25, 1996
- Business address
Parc Club des Pres
Bat C
9 Rue Denis Papin
null 59650 Villene D`Arsa, FR