05830 Hyvinkää
KONE OY is a foreign entity. It was incorporated October 27, 1910 and registered on June 06, 1997. It is located at P.O. Box 679, 05830 Hyvinkää, FI and has no employees. KONE OY is not VAT registered.
Company Details
- Org. no.
- 978612830
- Company type
- Foreign entity (UTLA)
- VAT Registered
- No
- Number of employees
- 0
- Incorporation date
- October 27, 1910
- Registration date
- June 6, 1997
- Business address
P.O. Box 679
null 05830 Hyvinkää, FI- Mail Address
v/Knut Hovind
Postboks 163 Kjelsås
0411 OSLO, NO