
IBSEN BILPLEIE Eivind Torgrimsen

0164 OSLO

IBSEN BILPLEIE Eivind Torgrimsen is a Norwegian sole proprietorship within the industy of maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. It was registered on March 12, 1998. It is located at C. J. Hambros plass 1, OSLO, NO. IBSEN BILPLEIE Eivind Torgrimsen is VAT registered.

Company Details

Org. no.
Company type
Sole proprietorship (ENK)
VAT Registered
Number of employees
Under 5
Registration date
March 12, 1998
Business address

C. J. Hambros plass 1

0164 OSLO, NO
Mail Address

Postboks 6813

0130 OSLO, NO
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