

0191 OSLO

JOLAMARKNADSNEMNDI is a Norwegian association within the industy of activities of other membership organisations. It was incorporated January 01, 1995 and registered on January 10, 2012. It is located at c/o Oslo Nei til EU, Schweigaards gate 34B, OSLO, NO and has no employees. JOLAMARKNADSNEMNDI is not VAT registered.

Company Details

Org. no.
Company type
Association (FLI)
VAT Registered
Number of employees
Incorporation date
January 1, 1995
Registration date
January 10, 2012
Business address

c/o Oslo Nei til EU

Schweigaards gate 34B

0191 OSLO, NO
Mail Address

C/o Fram

Postboks 8832 Youngstorget

0028 OSLO, NO
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