Lars Måsøval
B. 1979 | 7266 KVERVA
Chairman of the board
Chairman of the board
Chairman of the board
Chairman of the board
Managing director/CEO
Participant with joint and several liability (fully liable)
Chairman of the board
Chairman of the board
Chairman of the board
Alternate member
Related People
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Einar Sigurdsson
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Mons Alfred Paulsen
Erik Heggen Johansen
Stefán Baldvin Fridriksson
Helge Kvalvik
Kari Skeidsvoll Moe
Nina Santi
Roger Granheim
Trond Tuvstein
Stig Wærnes
Anders Måsøval
Frank Småge
Kjell Arne Småge
Kine Bakkemyr Reiten
Synne Konstanse Måsøval
Hege Dahl
Renate Larsen